Josh was born in 1992, at home, in Southport. Just 9 months later, and over 250 miles away, I was born, in hospital, in Haywards Heath. We had very different childhoods, with Josh spending his younger years playing football and Runescape, while I danced and read a lot of books. We met at 15, while at Air Cadets, and became friends while flying, shooting, completing Duke of Edinburgh and practicing first aid. Our friendship grew into something more while at a Cadet Camp, when, following some serious flirting, Josh asked me out on the 6th August 2009.
Since being a couple, we have lived in 8 different homes, achieved A Levels and degrees, as well as a teaching qualification and the ability to drive. We finally cemented a life together in Hull, with Josh creating websites and databases as a Software Engineer, and I changing lives as a teacher.
We share many things in life, such as our interest in history, enjoyment of rollar coasters, love of cooking and joint addiction to many TV Shows and Movie Franchises. No matter the situation, Josh and I have always supported each other, whether it be in the want to create a crochet blanket in homage to teaching, or the desire to create a vegetable patch that requires months of care and attention. Although we don't share all of our hobbies, Josh will never be an avid tea collector and I am unlikely to ever embrace Spongebob Squarepants, we do always support each other in 'out there' ideas.
Josh proposed to me on the 9th December 2017, after many years of stating that 'people should only get married after 10 years together.' Hence the date of the wedding, as we will be getting married on our 10th anniversary, in accordance with Josh's, totally great, rule.
We are both really excited about getting married, and becoming part of each other's families. We look forward to seeing you all on the day.